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Organic Psyllium Seeds, Husk and Powder

Psyllium husks on white background with plant stalks

Typically packaged in 25kg bags with 600kg on one EPAL.

Usually available in stock; conventional Psyllium on order. 

Abbott Blackstone International is one of Europe’s most prominent and reliable suppliers of Organic Whole Psyllium Seeds, Husk and Powder. 

The offer of organic psyllium seeds, husk and husk powder from India is vast. After thorough research and extensive vetting, product trials and personal encounters, we have elected a few extraordinary and reliable producers of organic psyllium in India: Trusted suppliers who adhere to strict organic farming practices with seeds being cultivated using sustainable methods, ensuring they are free from pesticides and chemicals while promoting environmental sustainability.

The Plantago Ovata seeds (Psyllium seeds) are renowned for their exceptional nutritional profile. They are an excellent source of dietary fibre, making them a valuable addition to a healthy and balanced diet. They are also known for their potential to support digestive health and promote regular bowel movements. Whole Psyllium Seeds can be easily incorporated into various recipes with their mild flavour and subtle nutty taste. They can be added to smoothies, baked goods, cereals, and other dishes to enhance their nutritional value and provide a pleasant texture.

Through a quite sophisticated procedure, the delicate husk is removed from the Psyllium seed, yielding the fine and light Psyllium husk, also known as Ispaghula husk, which is a type of soluble fibre. Please note that the grade of psyllium husk (e.g. 95% or 99%) does not refer to “purity” or “foreign bodies”. The grade refers to the husk portion vs seed residues stuck to the husk. So, Psyllium husk 95% would be 95% husk and 5% seed residues stuck to the husk. The actual purity of all husk grades is generally 99.9% across the boards. 

Psyllium husk has gained recognition for its potential health benefits, particularly digestion and heart health. One of the primary uses of psyllium husk is as a bulk-forming laxative. When consumed, it absorbs water in the gut, forming a gel-like substance that increases stool size and moisture, facilitating bowel movements and promoting regularity. Research suggests that psyllium husk may be more effective than other sources of fibre, such as wheat bran [2].

In addition to its laxative properties, psyllium husk is a prebiotic, supporting healthy gut bacteria growth. This, in turn, promotes a healthy immune system and aids in reducing inflammation, fighting infections, and maintaining overall gastrointestinal health [1].

Psyllium husk has also shown promise in managing cholesterol levels. Studies have indicated that soluble fibre intake, such as psyllium, can help control cholesterol and triglyceride levels, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease]. By forming a gel-like substance in the digestive system, psyllium can bind to cholesterol and prevent its absorption into the bloodstream, improving cholesterol profiles.

Furthermore, psyllium husk may aid in managing blood sugar levels. Its gel-like nature slows down digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates, which can help regulate blood sugar spikes after meals. This property makes psyllium a potential dietary addition for individuals with diabetes or those seeking to manage blood sugar levels [2].

When incorporating psyllium husk into one’s diet, it is crucial to ensure adequate water intake, as the fibre absorbs water to form its gel-like consistency[1].

When the delicate husk gets ground to a fine powder of mesh 60 to mesh 100, it is easily added to any food, shake, muesli, or cereal. But most excitingly, it can be used in baking as a binder to replace gluten. This has made psyllium husk and its powder one of the most versatile and sought-after organic ingredients ever!

Call us today to make arrangements and plan your purchasing of the current season. 

  1. Psyllium: What Are the Health Benefits? – Healthline
  2. [Psyllium: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage – Verywell Health](
Psyllium husks on white background with plant stalks

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Organic Superfoods

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